This model comes from Dr. Klinghardt’s teachings - there’s a concept called “downward causation”, which, essentially, means that whenever there’s an energy block at any of these levels, it will travel down through the other levels and end up affecting our physical body. Resolving these issues at the highest levels will have the most profound and long-lasting benefits for our health.
Often, blocks occur at any (or even all) of these levels and a multi-layered approach is necessary to fully resolve them, which is the current focus of my work, incorporating expertise I have developed over the past 25 years in many disciplines.
While it’s not appropriate for ANY practitioner to insert themselves into your relationship with your Source/God/Universe, coaching and working on your biochemistry & biophysics that impact the areas of the brain related to your ability to connect with Source can make a tremendous difference in this arena, opening up pathways that may be feeling blocked or disconnected.
Various things on this layer can impact our health, from surgeries that removed organs from your body, to traumas that your ancestors endured (up to 7 generations back), to entity attachments, psychological astrology, and our ability to tap into parallel versions of ourselves to enact quantum shifts in our experiences. I incorporate skills I’ve learned from masters over the past 25 years to assist with this level of transformation.
This layer includes our past traumas and beliefs, thought patterns, boundaries, relationships, the psychology of space, and is also the layer where homeopathy and essential oils work. Again, as with the previous 2 levels, I incorporate skills I have mastered at this level over the past 25 years to holistically support your healing. I.e. In my own journey, I’ve discovered trauma healing techniques that literally take minutes and don’t stir up all of the old emotions, vs the typical approach of getting (ineffective) therapy over months or years.
How would it feel if you could design your work around who you really are at your core? What if every component of your buisness was derived from a place deep within you, utilizing your core values in ways that most business instructors never consider? How would you LOVE to feel when you get up in the morning?
How would it feel if you could design your work around who you really are at your core? What if every component of your buisness was derived from a place deep within you, utilizing your core values in ways that most business instructors never consider? How would you LOVE to feel when you get up in the morning?